TNP Annual Fall Conference Poster Abstract Submission (2025)

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The Texas Nurse Practitioner (TNP) Education Committee invites you to submit an abstract for a Poster Presentation (Friday, September 25 / Saturday, September 26, 2025)


The TNP Education Committee will review all poster abstracts submitted. The Education Committee will make selections based on abstract content, speaker qualifications, content related to the interest of nurse practitioners, and conformity within the conference curriculum. Presenters will be notified by mid-May, 2025 if the abstract is accepted

Topic is relevant to TNP’s mission, vision and values (for more information go to and click on mission).

Content supports TNP’s major agenda topics including advanced practice project, leadership, research, etc.

Content is precise, comprehensive, current and applicable.

Content is appropriate for advanced practice registered nurses.

   Acute Care
   DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)
   Women’s Health
   Psychiatric/Mental Health
   Practice Related/Professional
   Business/Clinic Owners


  • Must register for the conference on (at least) the day you are presenting. 
  • Must check with your school of nursing for their standards on posters.
  • Must email a photo of your poster to for review by the Education Committee prior to the conference.
  • Must review the grading rubric which will be shared upon program approval.  
  • Must put poster up in the morning on the day of presentation and remove it at the end of the day.

All posters that are presented at the Annual Conference are considered for either Best Overall Poster, Best Student Poster and the TNP President’s Award. There is no additional application or nomination process. Posters are judged by the TNP president and members of the Education and Awards committee. The awards will be based on quality of evidenced based data, contribution to the field and visual presentation. 

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.